Our  Superheroes will develop, deliver and facilitate the following battle techniques and testing indicators to achieve the following project outcomes:
Outcome #1
Developing the skills of 13 youth workers in online safety, through comprehensive learning activities. After rigorous training each youth workers new and special abilities will be thoroughly tested. If successful, they will be awarded with the Youthpass Certificate allowing them to pass on their newly established powers to young users of the internet.
Outcome #2
Improving the skills of 75 young people with limited opportunities in the field of online data protection and cyber bullying, through these learning activities. Youth workers, using the guidance of the BEWARE Guide will empower our selected 75 youth with the knowledge, new skills and confidence to protect themselves online.
Outcome #3
Improving the level of knowledge of online security issues by 1000 young people through 25 non-formal learning session coordinated by 75 young people.
Outcome #4
The development of the BEWARE Toolkit for the use of youth workers.
Outcome #5
The development of the BEWARE Educational Game for youths.